does she go over the top? what do you make of it? she gets the most improved award after the god awful snap chat joke, that s for sure. but a couple of things they pointed out there and we got a little sneak review of what her responses are going to be when the democratic debates come around, which is that hillary is, i don t know, doubted, high school trusted by a lot of the true believers in the primary process because she s been on every side of every issue. she was for the iraq war before she was against it, she was before bank bailouts before she was against them, she was against gay marriage before she was for it. so for a primary voters for whom many have a bit of a purity test, she s going to have some challenges. so snl sort of took them head on. but i break, it was a really funny sketch. do you think the fact that they actually did bring up the fact that she was kind of slow on the supporting same-sex marriage, that it helps her, the acknowledgement that she was a littl
we look goofy with the pimples and the hormones and we have to learn how to talk and communicate and approach them in a manner that doesn t make them run away. if you can t play guitar. i can t play guitar. you always need something. i was at a nightclub and it was pulsing music. he said i don t like clubs. i don t know why. you don t know why? it is a place no one can hear you. coming up, somebody is arrested for making a snap chat joke. please let it be hillary. oh, look. we have a bunch of.
we have to be able to talk to them, we re nervous and scared and look goofy with pimples and other strange things, because of the hormones if you can t play guitar. you always need something. i was at a club and there was pulsing music with a comic. and i was like, you don t like clubs, and you don t know why? why would a comedian like a club? it s the one place nobody can hear you. all right, somebody gets arrested for making a snap chat joke. please let it be hillary.
she seems like it s like the end of fargo the moviee where they corner jerry lundergarden in the bedroom. she wants to get away because she can t. she can because you preble won t see her for another month actually. it was shocking thatth she this in the first place.n i think that exchange was four and a half minutes. she really engaged with ed which i think is a good thing or moving in the right direction. another bad joke came out. this is on the heels of the snap chat joke which i think is going to go down in history as one of the bigger political mistakes that you can make mid maybe almost federal indictment or whatever is going to happen out of this. as the wit point of she is over she is still leading in thell polls. i know it s 18 points and it used to be 60. that s a big difference and bernie sanders is gaining. i don t think we are going60. to elect bernie sanders and joe biden needs her infrastructure. we are talking about it and it s interesting. at the end of the day
all. she seems like it s the end of fargo the movie when they koir jerry lundergard in the bedroom. she wants to get away but she can t. she can because you probably won t see her for another month. it was shocking she did this in the first place. that exchange was 4 1/2 minutes. she really engaged with ed which i think is a good thing or moving in the right direction. but another bad joke came out on the heels of the snap chat joke which i think is going to go down in history as one of the bigger political mistakes that you could make mid maybe almost federal indictment or whatever is going to happen out of this. but as to the point of she s over she s still leading in the polls. 18 points and it used to be 60. that s a big difference and bernie sanders is gaining. but i don t think we re going to elect bernie sanders. and joe biden needs her infrastructure. we re talking about it. it s interesting. but at the end of the day they ll be going for the same people. i think democrat