consumers feeling the pain. the rising price of wholesale gas has hit the uk particularly hard. 1.5 million gas customers have lost their supplier in recent weeks as several energy companies collapsed. the uk s regulator 0fgem has said it will appoint new suppliers for those customers, but they may face higher prices. across europe prices are soaring to their highest level in years. theres a complex number of factors behind the price hike. an unusually cold spring, the pandemic of course, making it harder for companies to predict energy consumption and plan for storage and on top of all that russia has slowed down its delivery of gas to the european continent. here s a map that shows average day ahead energy prices across europe for the most recent day available last sunday. you can see the uk leads the pack, with italy shortly behind. so, who better to talk to than ialian marco alvera, the ceo of europe s largest gas infrastructure company, snam. it operates 40,000km of gas pipe
Urmare a condiţiilor climatice, a acţiunilor de promovare a apei minerale naturale, de conştientizare a publicului asupra beneficiilor acesteia, dar mai ales a optimizării exploatărilor, Societatea Naţională a Apelor Minerale S.A. (SNAM) a realizat, în luna iulie 2021, un volum al vânzărilor de apă de 129 de milioane de litri, cu peste 20 de milioane de litri mai mult decât în perioada similară a anului 2020.
Societatea Nationala a Apelor Minerale a anuntat marti ca a vandut, in luna iulie 2021, un volum de apa de 129 de milioane de litri, cu peste 20 de milioane de litri mai .
Potential bidders including North American private equity and infrastructure funds, as well as state-backed funds in China and South Korea have been approached by Aramco through its advisors before a formal sale process kicks off in the next few weeks.