Tamil Nadu Man Arrested For Eating A Snake, Fined Rs 7,000 Tamil Nadu Man Arrested For Eating A Snake, Fined Rs 7,000 Disturbing visuals of the man eating a snake had surfaced on social media.
Vadivel, a 50-year-old agriculture coolie, was fined for eating a snake.
A man in Tamil Nadu was arrested and fined Rs 7,000 for eating a snake. Disturbing visuals of Vadivel, a 50-year-old agriculture coolie, eating a venomous snake had surfaced on social media earlier this week. He was heard claiming that snakes were good antidotes to Covid-19 in a video that has been circulating online, according to Times Of India. Vadivel was arrested by the forest department on Thursday.
Family Finds One Of World s Most Venomous Snakes Swimming In Their Pool. Watch Family Finds One Of World s Most Venomous Snakes Swimming In Their Pool. Watch The eastern brown snake, often referred to as the common brown snake, is a highly venomous snake.
A family in Australia found an eastern brown snake lurking in their pool
A family in Australia received an unpleasant surprise on spotting one of the world s deadliest snakes in their swimming pool. The eastern brown snake was found taking a dip to cool down in the suburb of Marino in Adelaide on Tuesday afternoon.
Snake Catchers Adelaide, a group of professionally trained snake catchers, shared a video of the snake swimming in the overflow channel of a family pool. This beautiful eastern brown found a nice place to cool down in the heat at Marino today. Too bad it was in the overflow channel of a family pool! Snake Catchers Adelaide said alongside a video of the snake. Watch the video below:
me over. but this time he pulled me over to say hi and to tell me his daughter really liked the video. armed with a camera and some serious chutzpah don t be bringing hookers down here, buddy. this video vigilante captures prostitutes and their johns in the act. i hope you re not married. brian bates then posted the videos on his website, john tv for all the world to see. what are y all doing? nothing. what are you doing? are you kidding me? what is wrong with you people? bam, right there on the hood of the car. it was like an x-rated white snake video. more than a million people have seen the low s truck driver making an unscheduled scope. i love he focuses on the johns and confronts them. are you a married man? what would you wife say? so i give a high five to my