there is videotape and i am, because, recently i was on the bill maher show, it air-ons hbo and, he has been decent with me and i ve enjoyed getting to visit with him and i was on recently and made a comment about the fact that pepsico is a corporation, spent $65 million of their own money to get transfats out of their snack food division, frito-lay and i said that and said, a lot of companies show responsibilities and not all corporations, are evil and a little later, michael moore was on the show, the guy who thinks your health care would be better in cuba and michael had this to say, about my comments, i want you to watch: you have mike huckabee at the head of the show and, they you have to give it to the republicans, they do some a good job of formulating their message, speaking clearly to people, and, when he just sits there and lies to you, about how