of military paraphernalia. they re accusing us does when i was in iraq the sense of karami he did this whether you are white black it doesn t matter what color you are. we all knew what we were fighting for. my experience here is that ther were times i was afraid of goin on convoys were doing my supply mission because i knew there wa a chance could possibly be ambushed or get shot at. we knew the risks but this woul happen over and over.
then you see me spit on the floor unfortunately. was trying to clear my lungs an you see me putting my gas mask on and that was the entryway to the tunnel where it was wall-to-wall people packed fighting with everything they had. i believe the thickest smoke wa from a fire extinguisher with the residue. it s like i said before. they outnumbered us 50-1. so it did not matter how many w defeated. we just had to hold on. we couldn t let anybody get through.