27 policías y un guardia civil irán a juicio por las cargas del 1-O en Girona
Descartan hacerlo por delitos contra la integridad moral o tortura y no atribuye ninguna responsabilidad por mando Actuación policial el 1-O en Girona. / Marc Martí
Se lee en Girona 16 de junio del 2021. 23:52 0 Comentarios juicio 27 policías nacionales y un guardia civil por las
cargas del 1-O en diferentes colegios de
Girona y en Aiguaviva. El juzgado ordena procesarlos por
lesiones o lesiones leves, descarta hacerlo por delitos contra la integridad moral y torturas, y tampoco atribuye ninguna responsabilidad por funciones de mando. La interlocutoria
none of your business, there is a reason people have guns. we don t need your sank mo sant why yous permission. you pry into our lives an put our privacy and security and safety in jeopardy and then you have nothing to say? how about i say it for you. you are nothing but a bunch of cowards unwilling to defend yourselves frozen in fear. you screwed up, period, end of story. do not want to make the judge angry. the peop judge njeanine will be on fox ad friends today at 8:20 to talk about the lathes on this story. that will be interesting. a little fired up. before you leave the house let s