cycle we re going to have back to back snippets of the vice president laughing at very important, you know, serious matters so that is going to be a huge part of the narrative come sun rise tomorrow. yes. this is a great material for saturday night life. and for live and internet. we re getting an increasing amount of information from the internet. 2008 more people said they got more information about the election from the internet than daily newspapers those smirks and quirky grimaces and the sort of exaggerated gestures were great fodder for the internet. i ve retweeted the link to that video it s a good video. it s pretty amazing how often he was interrupting and laughing and smiling and grimmasing and grinning. it s almost like joker juice was in the water he had there. on the stage. greta: full disclosure i ve posted without watching it on
and vice-presidential debate since the first four kennedy-nixon debates in 1960, thinking back over the last few minutes i don t believe i have ever seen a debate in which one participant was openly disrespectful of the other as biden was to paul ryan tonight. that s what it was. you can talk about the smirks, smiles, head shaking, the mugging, it was openly, contemptuous and disrespectful. jon: ben, chris wallace has been in washington a long time. as he said, covered a lot of these races. what is your response? you know, governor romney has spent the entire campaign saying that he would stand up to china and apparently now governor romney and congressman ryan can t handle a little bit of laughing an smiling? that seems preposterous to me. jon: all right. ben labolt, campaign secretary, i m sorry press secretary for obama for america campaign. ben, thank you very much. thanks for having me. jon: we ll have the romney side in just a moment.
biden blew away paul ryan of the that was in interruptions and smirks and inappropriate laughs. i know that paul ryan said going in he expected that the vice president would come at him like a cannon ball. well, he did. and some on the right are saying, you know what? paul ryan should have probable will he given it back a little more. why didn t he? i thought paul ryan was very strong in making the case for the path that the ryan-romney romney-ryan ticket would take the country in terms of stronger middle class and look, i m not sure anyone told vice president biden that there is a split screen shot here sometimes when you re in this debate and i thought that these are very serious issues and i ll let the american people judge how vice president biden did in terms of his facial expressions and his chuckles. gretchen: what did you think about that, ed? you ve been in politics a long time. some people are saying they
add to the confusion if you want to be generous of inact raysy of the administration storylines because. a, it was very clear, that the administration was asked and asked repeatedly to provide additional security in benghazi. bill: we ll tack that onto the timeline on our reporting this time forward. we ll see how the house committee deals with that next time around. steve, thank you. terrific work in danville. thank you, bill. bill: here is jamie with more. jamie: much of the post-debate reaction is specifically joe biden s performance. many are criticizing the vice president for the smirks, laughs, even finger waving during the discussion. analysts, political analysts brit hume says the vp s behavior was simply disrespectful. what you saw while paul ryan was talking as others pointed out was smirking, laughing, smiling, mugging, by the vice president. and my sense about it was,
last night respondents gave the win to congressman ryan. a third gave the win to vice president biden. a look at all of this perhaps the most talked about moment last night. word about policy but something all together different. the moments were joe biden s smirks, smiles and laughter while paul ryan was speaking. he is facing criticism. their own actuary said 1 out of 6 hospitals and nursing homes are going to go out of business as a result of this. no it isn t. 7.4 million seniors are project to do lose the current advantage they have that s a benefit cut. that didn t happen. these are from your own actuaries. mr. vice president i know