A recent ban of TikTok use on U.S. government-owned devices, coupled with new legislation in Congress seeking to block the app, have fueled expectations the popular Chinese-owned platform could soon be barred nationwide.
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said on Friday that he was happy his recent ban on the use of Chinese-owned social media app TikTok from government-issued devices meant his children could no longer access the platform.
A new lawsuit accuses Mark Zuckerberg and other Meta Platforms Inc executives and directors of failing to do enough to stop sex trafficking and child sexual exploitation on Facebook and Instagram.
Equities research analysts expect Sharps Compliance Corp. (NASDAQ:SMED – Get Rating) to post $16.44 million in sales for the current fiscal quarter, according to Zacks. Three analysts have provided estimates for Sharps Compliance’s earnings. The highest sales estimate is $17.81 million and the lowest is $15.60 million. Sharps Compliance reported sales of $18.73 million during […]
Shares of Sharps Compliance Corp. (NASDAQ:SMED – Get Rating) have earned an average recommendation of “Hold” from the six ratings firms that are currently covering the firm, MarketBeat Ratings reports. One research analyst has rated the stock with a sell rating and four have issued a hold rating on the company. The average 12 month […]