take his place, but instead he an empty vessel and it was replaced by something even wors which are these infantile mines who want to destroy anything that is successful. it s just so strange what they choose to focus on like less than 1 percent of the population is trans, and even smaller percentage of that is transmitted, even smaller than that is transmitted, people bor to women who transition to men that will get pregnant and even smaller of a percentage than that is those people who would care how you talk about pregnancy, it is such a small. i think it self-serving because it s an easier way for them to say look at how caring and compassionate we are and how much better educated and smarte i am than you are because they can t, it mathematically doesn make sense that it s about what they say it is spread. i think they deliberately do not do a headcount on this because it wouldn t break tripl
now home and car break-ins are on the rise because repeat offenders know they can get away with it. chesa boudin is failing to do his job. there s a better way to keep san francisco safe. recall chesa boudin now. baseball is facing a growing controversy. less than a month into the season there has been a sharp rise in new york of batters hit by pitches as miguel almaguer explains, some players are blaming the balls themselves oh my gosh! reporter: it s a painful part of the game that can stun a crowd. or incite a bench-clearing brawl like it did today. both benches clear. reporter: but this season, heightened sensitivity in new york to batters beaned by baseballs through just 20 games oh, and marte is
From Sirish Chandran on Twitter , during the new Bajaj 250 launch I am guessing he was asked about the competition. Typical of Mr Bajaj to make proceedings a bit interesting. Rajiv Bajaj is asked
El compositor e hijo del guanajuatense José Alfredo Jiménez perdió la vida hace unas horas en Ciudad de México a sus 63 años a causa de un paro respiratorio