Ghana is on track to achieve its goal of universal access to electricity by 2025 with the successful implementation of the Bui Hydro-Solar PV Hybrid system.
Huawei Pakistan and Enertech Kuwait sign MoU to promote development of Eco-Friendly Smart Tourist Destination and Solar Power Plants
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Huawei has announced the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Enertech Holding Company in Kuwait to develop an Eco-Friendly Smart Destination and 500 MW of solar power plants in Pakistan. Huawei Technologies Pakistan will be Enertech’s leading technology partner for both ventures.
The Smart Tourist Destination project will be developed based on livability, affordability, sustainability, and a resilient approach, with ICT technologies seen as playing a vital role in integrating businesses and lifestyles through user-and-eco-friendly smart city services and solutions.
July 28, 2021
Islamabad: The Enertech Holding Company Kuwait has joined hands with the Huawei Technologies Pakistan to develop an eco-friendly smart destination and 500MW solar power plants in Pakistan to promote the tourism and renewable energy sectors.
Under a memorandum of understanding signed between the two organisations, Huawei will be the leading technology partner and will support Enertech for the bigger development goal. The projects of Smart Tourist Destinations should be developed with liveability, affordability, sustainability, and a resilient approach.
The ICT technologies can play a vital role in integrating businesses and people lifestyles through user-and-eco-friendly smart city services and solutions. Therefore, smart city development will be a key component of the future construction, tourism and renewable energy sectors of Pakistan.
ISLAMABAD, July 27 (Gwadar Pro) - Huawei, the world s biggest telecom giant, has joined hands with Enertech Holding Company of Kuwait to produce 500 Mega Watts of green energy in Pakistan. They have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to develop eco-friendly smart tourist destinations across Pakistan.
We aim to develop Eco-Friendly Smart Destinations and 500 MW of Solar Power Plants in Pakistan to promote the tourism and renewable energy sectors of Pakistan, in partnership with Huawei Technologies Pakistan (PVT) Ltd, an Enertech official told journalists on Monday.
According to information shared with journalists in Islamabad, Huawei will be the leading technology partner and will support Enertech for this bigger development goal.
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SHENZHEN, China, 8. Juli 2021 /PRNewswire/ Der Markt für Solarenergie heizt sich weltweit auf, und immer mehr Länder beteiligen sich am „Race to Zero , einer weltweiten Kampagne, deren Ziel es ist, die Unterstützung von Unternehmen, Städten, Regionen und Investoren für eine gesunde, widerstandsfähige, kohlenstofffreie Erholung zu gewinnen , wie es bei den Vereinten Nationen heißt. Dabei handelt es sich um gemeinsame, weltweite Bemühungen im Kampf gegen den Klimawandel. Singapur, ein kleiner und ressourcenknapper Stadtstaat, macht dabei keine Ausnahme. Die Insel ist jetzt die Heimat eines der weltweit größten schwimmenden Offshore-Photovoltaik (PV)-Parks, ein 5-MW-Peak-Projekt, das in der Straße von Johor aufgebaut wurde.