The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act includes several potential funding opportunities for public power including for electric and hydrogen vehicle fueling infrastructure, grid resiliency infrastructure, smart grid investments, physical and cybersecurity infrastructure, incentives for hydropower production and efficiency infrastructure, energy efficiency and weatherization, and broadband infrastructure.
was, well, predictable. leave social security alone. it s a sentiment i agree with. my colleague, ari, did an excellent job yesterday getting into the ugly weeds of chain cpi, breaking down why benefit cuts to social security are the wrong direction and how truly our whole notion of social security going bankrupt is flawed. by getting caught up in chain cpi mamania, though, we bro g s progressives are missing the forest for the trees. it s a very large and important tree, mind you, but it s till one part of the bigger picture. so what are some of the other trees in our budget forest here? well, what are you into? concerned about climate change? there s incentives for smart grid investment. extra money for the department of interior to prepare for the impact of climate change. even changes to the way we address worldwide famine relief. so that our response is more effective and doesn t hurt developing world farmers. looking for action on gun violence, there s more money for the atf to d