Percent of the costs you have another 70 percent that needs to be managed if that leads me to my last slide the pharmaceutical management will be critical in the future we need to foster competition that works not people to set prices based on with no reason we need optimal utilization by members most people fail to follow their drug regiment we need to make it a value based payment and coverage policy you are getting the best benefit for following your drugs and make sure that all the costs are transparent so people know what their bowing and increase the medication adherence and make sure we have the data so we can address the gaps in care and make sure that if a drug can be administered at a site we go to the lower site if you can take it at home or at the Physicians Office not going to the hospital it is 2 hundred percent higher and in closing you also have to remember the person that is taking the speciality drugs those individuals not only are they bearing a high cost of the drug
Competition that works not people to set prices based on with no reason we need optimal utilization by members most people fail to follow their drug regiment we need to make it a value based payment and coverage policy you are getting the best benefit for following your drugs and make sure that all the costs are transparent so people know what their bowing and increase the medication adherence and make sure we have the data so we can address the gaps in care and make sure that if a drug can be administered at a site we go to the lower site if you can take it at home or at the Physicians Office not going to the hospital it is 2 hundred percent higher and in closing you also have to remember the person that is taking the speciality drugs those individuals not only are they bearing a high cost of the drugs they have that but they also represent about 25 percent of the medical so they have medical costs on top of drug costs people that are middleincome that maybe cost permissible active an
Competition that works not people to set prices based on with no reason we need optimal utilization by members most people fail to follow their drug regiment we need to make it a value based payment and coverage policy you are getting the best benefit for following your drugs and make sure that all the costs are transparent so people know what their bowing and increase the medication adherence and make sure we have the data so we can address the gaps in care and make sure that if a drug can be administered at a site we go to the lower site if you can take it at home or at the Physicians Office not going to the hospital it is 2 hundred percent higher and in closing you also have to remember the person that is taking the speciality drugs those individuals not only are they bearing a high cost of the drugs they have that but they also represent about 25 percent of the medical so they have medical costs on top of drug costs people that are middleincome that maybe cost permissible active an
Theyre being bought by a Larger Company so you have many of the measuring companies now becoming more mainstream, if you will, as a result may be one to 3 options before you had as many as 678 that raises the costs secondly fall because of the new regulations drug shortages jen ice cream continues to balance the budget we need them to grow you have to remember they represent only thirty percent of the costs you have another 70 percent that needs to be managed if that leads me to my last slide the pharmaceutical management will be critical in the future we need to foster competition that works not people to set prices based on with no reason we need optimal utilization by members most people fail to follow their drug regiment we need to make it a value based payment and coverage policy you are getting the best benefit for following your drugs and make sure that all the costs are transparent so people know what their bowing and increase the medication adherence and make sure we have the
My last slide the pharmaceutical management will be critical in the future we need to foster competition that works not people to set prices based on with no reason we need optimal utilization by members most people fail to follow their drug regiment we need to make it a value based payment and coverage policy you are getting the best benefit for following your drugs and make sure that all the costs are transparent so people know what their bowing and increase the medication adherence and make sure we have the data so we can address the gaps in care and make sure that if a drug can be administered at a site we go to the lower site if you can take it at home or at the Physicians Office not going to the hospital it is 2 hundred percent higher and in closing you also have to remember the person that is taking the speciality drugs those individuals not only are they bearing a high cost of the drugs they have that but they also represent about 25 percent of the medical so they have medical