You should assume you will guarantee the loan regardless of the structure of your business. The good news, though, for businesses like you are describing, Internet Business, is that the Capital Requirements for that type of business is generally small. You are able to get yourself further along and share in revenues with a smaller amount of credit need. That is where we see a lot of businesses and personal service or Internet Business get started, and generate revenues and be able to show Growth Without needing any capital, like a brick and mortar business might. My name is terry said. I have a Retail Business in San Francisco for 22 years. I have a 5 04 504 loan. It took me three years to get. We need more capital. I tried to get a line of credit from wells capital. I was decline. Where does someone like myself go . I have a loan, i need additional funding. Did you try through the sba . I already have an sba loan. I went to wells fargo for a line of credit and they would not give me o
Further along and share in revenues with a smaller amount of credit need. That is where we see a lot of businesses and personal service or Internet Business get started, and generate revenues and be able to show Growth Without needing any capital, like a brick and mortar business might. My name is terry said. I have a Retail Business in San Francisco for 22 years. I have a 5 04 504 loan. It took me three years to get. We need more capital. I tried to get a line of credit from wells capital. I was decline. Where does someone like myself go . I have a loan, i need additional funding. Did you try through the sba . I already have an sba loan. I went to wells fargo for a line of credit and they would not give me one. I can speak to you about it. When we look at funds that are needed, the biggest thing we look at our cash flow. I can address that with you. Unless there is an issue, at that point [inaudible] lets talk, ok. I have a couple of more questions. I know that the panelists have agre
Line. I think what is the case, there is a lot of complexity to the incentives that were put into the jobs act for Small Businesses to take advantage of on expensing equipment, investments and their businesses, as far as the tax treatment of those activities. Obviously, as a smallbusiness person, each of you needs to understand, it is complex, but there are a lot of tax incentives and investment in business that you should take aware advantage of. We have two questions in the back. Just to be mindful for everyones time, we will go for about five more minutes. My name is david. I am an internet or entrepreneurs. In general, to the lenders, what type of vanity do you traditionally see approach you for loans, an llc, corp. , and who is liable, for whose borrowing the money . As a micro lender, we expect the principles, the corporate form, to provide guarantees. Personal guarantees. The same. 20 ownership in the company. [inaudible] [inaudible] i heard something about sba guaranteed loans.
Long personally. As a smallbusiness owner, from a lenders point of view, we want to see that you are as invested in the business as you are asking the bank to be. The idea that non recourse loans, the way you describe it, loans that you get without having yourself personally liable is not the way it works. You should assume you will guarantee the loan regardless of the structure of your business. The good news, though, for businesses like you are describing, Internet Business, is that the Capital Requirements for that type of business is generally small. You are able to get yourself further along and share in revenues with a smaller amount of credit need. That is where we see a lot of businesses and personal service or Internet Business get started, and generate revenues and be able to show Growth Without needing any capital, like a brick and mortar business might. My name is terry said. I have a Retail Business in San Francisco for 22 years. I have a 5 04 504 loan. It took me three ye
Whether it is a corporation or partnership, for any Small Business lending, you should expect to be guaranteeing that long personally. As a smallbusiness owner, from a lenders point of view, we want to see that you are as invested in the business as you are asking the bank to be. The idea that non recourse loans, the way you describe it, loans that you get without having yourself personally liable is not the way it works. You should assume you will guarantee the loan regardless of the structure of your business. The good news, though, for businesses like you are describing, Internet Business, is that the Capital Requirements for that type of business is generally small. You are able to get yourself further along and share in revenues with a smaller amount of credit need. That is where we see a lot of businesses and personal service or Internet Business get started, and generate revenues and be able to show Growth Without needing any capital, like a brick and mortar business might. My n