Labour got its first new finance spokesperson in nearly a decade yesterday, when Grant Robertson announced his retirement from Parliament, handing the job to.
The New Zealand Tax Podcast: Treasury raises the issue of taxing capital gains, and warns about the fiscal risk of climate change. And when is the business income of a charity exempt?
More than 10,000 businesses have defaulted on $177 million worth of loans given out as part of the previous government's Covid support package. Two years on from the pandemic, IRD's now calling for 129,000 customers to start paying back $2.3 billion worth of Small Business Cashflow loans. Those who don't or cant pay-up are put on payment plans. IRD says more than 70 percent of customers have to pay up to $500 a month; with around 4 percent required to pay $1,000 dollars a month. Head of Advocacy for the Employers and Manufacturers Association Alan McDonald speaks to Lisa Owen. [embed] default/index.html?videoId=6342500672112