that on saying when we might expect to see that and specifically what that might entail. tamron? what s the latest on this tighter fitting containment cap thatted a thirl th ed admiral t mentioned? reporter: what bp is trying to do is increase the amount of oil containment to mitigate the damage to the environment. they have this cap in place right now that is successful in capturing some oil. they want to replace wit a skap with a better seal so that less oil leaks out and escapes into the water. what the white house has asked them for before giving them the go ahead to do that, is more information. they want details as to how long the cap is going to stay off, how much oil is going to gush out into the ocean in the interim before they get the new one on, what s the time line going to be, will they be able to run other containment systems sm smut simultaneously. that s the information they need before making the switch. have we been given an update on this third vessel that was