him. i would rather arm law-abiding citizen and make sure they can prevent this from happening as opposed to trying to pass laws that would prevent law-abiding citizen from having guns. brian: ongoing investigation. you have been briefed to a higher level than the media. tell us what you can. why do you think this gunman is connected to that church, that town? you know, i m not so sure-though is speculation. i m not so sure that he is connected to that church or this town. i think he picked out a place outside of where there might have been local police and where it might have taken first responders a longer time to get there and so, i think that s the reason he chose that spot. now, we don t know for sure yet. obviously, the guy is deceased. but my guess is that s why he chose that location. brian: so when we notice in this case it doesn t seem like anybody on the inside had guns. is that an unsaid texas rule you can carry guns but just don t bring it to church? you know, it s in
self-inflicted gunshot wound. brian: keep in mind, too. he had more guns. he was going to inflict more damage. he wanted to get away. he wasn t one of those guys who wants to kill you and kill himself. it looks like he thought i m going to spend my life in prison or kill myself. we re going to find out. we do know is he a veteran. air force dishonorablably discharged in 2012. when you are doing that you are not allowed to carry a gun. he was. meanwhile, also breaking right now, the president denouncing the texas massacre calling it a horrible act of evil on his trip to japan. ainsley: the commander-in-chief sending thoughts and prayers back here back home ahead of tough talks with the prime minister on north korea and on trade. steve: kevin corke joins us now. he is live in tokyo on the latest. kevin? hey, guys. we re going to talk about that texas shooting in just a moment but, first, ever the deal maker. the president talking about north korea. suggesting that the japanese could sh
rolling on this? yeah. i certainly hope. so you know, we have federal authorities, state authorities and local authorities. my office comes in if we are asked to come in. we typically are involved in potentially prosecuting if the person wasn t deceased. obviously there would have to be other people involved. we also have a crime cripple fund so that we get involved in compensating victims of crime. brian: do we know if he had any accomplices? can we rule that out? i don t know that we can rule that out at this time. at this point i don t think we think he had any accomplices, but i don t think we re necessarily ruling that out. brian: attorney general ken paxton, thanks so much. thank you have a great day. keep us in your prayers. brian: you got it 19 minutes after the hour. prayers pouring in around the country for those victims in texas. our next guest offering a message of hope using inspiration from the bible. we ll explain.
history. kellyanne conway the counselor to the president is joining us from the north lawn. kellyanne, we have heard from texas authorities and so far it sounds like theres is no connection to terror. is that what you understand? that s right. that s the briefing we have had here at the white house as well. no connection, obviously, as you have been reporting and others all morning this is a person who was dishonorablably discharged and had assault charges against him, against his spouse and his child and we just, as everyone has said, there is evil among us and as the president has said, we lock arms and through the tears we come together. ainsley: the president said this guy was deranged. this is about mental health, it s not about gun control. liberals, of course, are making it about gun control. chelsea handler says innocent people go to church on sunday to honor their god. and while doing so get shot and killed. what country? america, why? republicans she says.
in texas. counselor to the president kellyanne conway is here next. steve: did you hear this? senator rand paul attacked in his yard while he was mowing his lawn and his injury is much worse than we thought. what we just learned about the man accused of attacking him, his next door neighbor. here s the story of green mountain coffee roasters sumatra reserve. let s go to sumatra. the coffee here is amazing. because the volcanic soil is amazing. so we give farmers like win more plants. to grow more delicious coffee. which helps provide for win s family. all, for a smoother tasting cup of coffee. green mountain coffee roasters. i got this.n there? that s the new man, huh? yup. getting kinda close to my ride. wow. now, that s how you make a first impression. they re going to love you.