babe ruth played for four baseball teams between 1914 and 1935. he set records that stood for decades including 714 home runs, 2,873 hits, 2,174 runs and 2,062 walks. he remains unmatched with a .690 slugging percentage. over 15 legendary seasons, babe ruth led the yankees to seven american league championships and four world series championships. his legacy has never been eclipsed and he remains the person fiction of america s past time. off the baseball field he created the babe ruth foundation and tirelessly raised funds for the war effort during the second world war. the united states proudly honest an american hero who forever changed the landscape of american sports. [ applause ]
george herman babe ruth junior. babe ruth played for four baseball teams between 1914 and 1935. he set records that included 714 home runs, 2,873 hits. 2,174 runs and 2,062 walks and he remains unmatched with a .690 slugging percentage. babe ruth let the yankees to 7 american league championships and four world series championships. his legacy has never been eclipsed and he remains the personification of america s past time. off the baseball field he created the babe ruth foundation and tirelessly raised funds for the second world war. [ applause ]