she was caught plagiarizing half of her academic scholarship, the gravest in academia. 50 instances of academic fraud and counting whereas cnn calls it, sloppy attribution. we should know that claudine has not been accused of stealing anyone s ideas in any of her writings. she has been accused of sort of more like copping other people s writings without attributions. so it s been more sloppy attribution then stealing anyone s ideas. jesse: cnn redefined shoplifting without shopping without money and sloppy attribution. i m going to ask cnn for a better way to describe me not helping around the house. investing in on household activities? we never would have known the harvard president was an intellectual phony if she had not drawn attention to herself with a congressional hearing where she said, you are allowed to kill the at harvard.
what do you expectco to sene in 2024 with the stakes even higher? l, well, there are two general things that i think will happen the leadership will not actively engage the agencies. and in partisan activity, but there will be two groups who will be ane wid will be engd from an information operations standpoint. the first is what what intelligence people call the formers, the former intelligence people. so in the trump years, these were john brennan and jim clapper and so on. so these people will be active in in talking in ways that are derogatory to people that they tf what theyy wio say will be will be accurate. some of that will be misrepresentations. some it will be just justdisn dishonest, almost certainly. and they will do also is misrepresent what the what the intelligencse agenciest
diversity, equity and inclusion at a time when corporate america is trying to back out of billions of dollars in commitments. gay head did not put a crack in the glass ceiling. she is someone else s head to do it and took credit for it 50 times. about what i was really worried about is the shape of money disappearing. after george floyd, corporate america was shamed into committing zillions of dollars to diversity, equity and inclusion. that meant cash for patronage for his crew. but the corporate america is found out quickly the diversity, equity, and inclusion game, is that only a hand grenade and lawsuits but unproductive waste of time. an incredibly divisive to the corporate culture. america believes in diversity, but not at the expense of achievement and profitability. so whoever did the right thing: firing gay said novels to the country that mirrors trumps identity. we are learning diversity,
president and 14th centuries. she was caught plagiarizing half of her academic scholarship, the gravest in academia. 50 instances of academic fraud and counting whereas cnn calls it, sloppy attribution. we should know that claudine has not been accused of stealing anyone s ideas in any of her writings. she has been accused of sort of more like copping other people s writings without attributions. so it s been more sloppy attribution then stealing anyone s ideas. jesse: cnn redefined shoplifting without shopping without money and sloppy attribution. i m going to ask cnn for a better way to describe me not helping around the house. investing in on household activities? we never would have known the harvard president was an intellectual phony if she had not drawn attention to herself with a congressional hearing where she said, you are allowed
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