Vitamin B17: Able to Treat and Prevent Cancer, or Pure Poison?
May 26, 2013
May 26, 2013
vitamin B17. This powerful vitamin substance
shown to halt cancer has also been called poison. So which is it: a natural treatment, or ‘quackery’? Vitamin B17 is patented in the U.S. as Laetrile, but used in Mexico simply as crushed apricot pits, without boiling the seeds and turning them to ethanol, which then produces benzaldehyde. You can also find the tampered-with version as laevomandelonitrile, the man-made version of B17, and amygdalin, the natural version of B17. According to the National Cancer Society, Laetrile is staggeringly lethal, and even makes cancer tumors grow larger. The US government has made B17 downright illegal, so why are many naturalists saying apricot seeds, which are naturally full of vitamin B17, are extremely effective at curing cancer? And how can something be toxic, if it naturally occurs in dozens of other foods like soybeans, mung bean