grown into something larger an more fruitful than we uppe match and. the velshi banned book club wa created in response to the targeting a removal of so many important books from libraries and school curricula across th country. according to p.e.n. america, and nonprofit organization the champions the freedom to rea and write in the united states from july 2021 to june 2022, there were 2532 instances of individual books been banned that s a shocking number what the figure doesn t make clear is the types of book that have been fans. as we begin to compile our own list of banned literature, or feature for you, with author from margaret atwood to a clear pattern emerged. it became apparent that th most frequently targeted boo shared at least one of the sam three topics sexuality or gender, and sexua identity, race, and bodily autonomy including sexual and physica violence we re moving books that deal with these three very real topics sends a clear message t readers that those
the slave narrative doesn give you a sense of th anterior life of the slave you remember, the voice had to be authorized by a white professor, white person writin the profit saying, what it follows is too you ve got this narrative that is in the service of the ant slavery effort morrison decides to go into th depths of beds to give us a sense of what s happening on the inside of the person who is experiencing the brutality of slavery that s really important. we get a sense of th complexity of the human being. also, this is not necessaril just fiction margaret garner, january 18, 1956 she leaves kentucky, crosses over, declares himself free. and up at a friends house. fugitive slave folk were tryin to retrieve her. she decides to kill her child. tries to kill her child. but she s returned morrison takes - it makes it epic a very difficult story to