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Wack states L.A.Roundtable of OG gang members in the entertainment industry met and controlled the chaos of 6ix9ine’s visit to L.A.
“You know Big U from Rollin 60’s, Wack from Westside Piru and Compton, Blue from Long Beach Insane. You know Top Dawg has definitely always been there, Nickerson Gardens Bounty Hunters, myself and you know the list goes on and on as far as who sits at that table, but we help maintain the peace within our rap community,” Wack 100 explained. “You know it’s been a long time since you heard about a studio getting shot up or the club got shot up because such and such is there. Or, it was a riot backstage because of this situation, because that Roundtable controls it.”
By Ronniehiii
Feb 2, 2021
Although your Super Bowl experience may look a little different this year. at least you can still eat Wings! Here 10 Places To Get Takeout Wings in LA!
Photograph from Great White
Address: 1604 Pacific Ave, Venice, CA 90291
This cafe is showcasing its new wings! Dry-brined and cooked with bacon before being dropped in the fryer just in time for the Super Bowl!
Photo from Jesse Hsu Photography
Address: 9043 Sunset Blvd. West Hollywood, CA. 90069
If you like sweet and lil salty wings that have a lot of sauce, these are for you!
Photograph from Yelp-Tom C.
Address: 5570 N. FIGUEROA ST. LOS ANGELES, CA 90042