figure out whether or not they re growing candidates in the south to take advantage of things like this, because politics is a business where opportunities like this crop up. are they growing the party down there in places like south carolina, and places like georgia. in south carolina, they have a democratic mayor in columbia. is that somebody who two, three, four years could run for senate or could run for governor? i think democrats put a lot of money into this, but also need to think about a strategy down in the south because that is a place where the obama coalition is in full force in south carolina. a lot of african-american voters, a growing percentage of hispanic voters as well, and certainly they have an advantage among women, too. what does it mean for the party going forward. steve, that s a good question. you talk about the republican southern strategy and its roots, decades old roots. in terms of democratic southern strategy, how much is this a slap back for democrats?
in south carolina, they have a democratic mayor in columbia. is that somebody who two, three, four years could run for senate or could run for governor? i think democrats put a lot of money into this, but also need to think about a strategy down in the south because that is a place where the obama coalition is in full force in south carolina. a lot of african-american voters, a growing percentage of hispanic voters as well, and certainly they have an advantage among women, too. what does it mean for the party going forward. steve, that s a good question. you talk about the republican southern strategy and its roots, decades old roots. in terms of democratic southern strategy, how much is this a slap back for democrats? is it a slap back? is there a chance in two years when the seat, this is a special election, that democrats could possibly take this? you need an extraordinary event for democrats to win this seat. even having a candidate as flawed as sanford in this race, they just
and source but we learned from paul ryan that he intends to introduce a budget this week that would eliminate obama care, that seems like a pretty big slap back at the white house. reporter: sure, this has been a goal for house republicans for some time. it was in the last budget, it will be in this budget, rolled out tomorrow, and you heard paul ryan talking about the budget. it is much the same as the last time around. it does include some new numbers, including the increased taxes that the obama administration pushed for. it actually helps balance the paul ryan budget within ten years with that additional revenue. so you ll see a lot of back and forth about paul ryan s budget this week, but obama care has long been in the target for house republicans. jon: so the charm offensive or whatever you want to call it, the president reaching out, what is the motivation? reporter: there could be multiple reasons for it.
to sing at the super bowl and make a mistake. bill: had the guts to sing but not the wherewithal to remember the words. that s right. it s a tough song. somebody nails it they deserve credit. bill: absolutely. anderson cooper at cnn says he doesn t care. so what? and i m sure a lot offeel the s. making a big deal out of this. jennifer lopez says you have to prerecord some stuff because of slap back, which i don t really know what that is, but i assume that s the the venue isn t a good sound venue and that s why she did it. yeah, anderson s comment bothered me the most. i heard hillary clinton before the senate when she was asked about the benghazi raid about whether, you know at this point the administration was now saying indeed it was not a spontaneous uprising and her answer was what difference does it make? you know what difference it makes?
to sing at the super bowl and make a mistake. bill: had the guts to sing but not the wherewithal to remember the words. that s right. it s a tough song. somebody nails it they deserve credit. bill: absolutely. anderson cooper at cnn says he doesn t care. so what? and i m sure a lot of americans feel the same way. making a big deal out of this. jennifer lopez says you have to prerecord some stuff because of slap back, which i don t really know what that is, but i assume that s the the venue isn t a good sound venue and that s why she did it. yeah, anderson s comment bothered me the most. i heard hillary clinton before the senate when she was asked about the benghazi raid about whether, you know at this point the administration was now saying indeed it was not a spontaneous uprising and her answer was what difference does it make? you know what difference it