remains of the plane have yet to be found. government agents have been on high alert since the incident. go to fox news correspondent jennifer griffin. what should we know? jennifer: it was dramatic afternoon, the president was golfing at andrews air force base when two f-16s took off because there was a cessna citation flying, seemed to be on auto pilot, heading toward the capitol. the f-16 pilots caught up with the recession and the pilot was unresponsive. they fired flares and the plane went down in the mountains of southern virginia. two other planes near atlantic city were scrambled. this is after 9/11. the president made his way back to the white house after the plane crashed in southern virginia, the capitol was on high alert during the incident. we learned the owner of the plane is oncor motors and of the three passengers on the plane, it was the owner s daughter, nanny and a child. the pilot appears to have lost consciousness, reminding many of the paine stewart fl
for folks wondering why fighter jets would be scrambled, you can t just fly over d.c., you have to have permission, right? jennifer: the flight had taken off from elizabethtown and did a 180 degree turn and started heading back down the coast of the united states toward the capitol. as it got close to the capitol, certain things are triggered and f-16s are on high alert and scrambled, four of them, we re told and tried to intercept. the plane was out of the city limits as they fired flares. they had permission to skwam bell so quickly, that is why the sonic boom was heard as far away as maryland. people said their walls shook when the sonic boom, that was the boom of the f-16s flying