The ballot question seeking to divert money from the Wheeler Opera House for more community arts funding appears to be heading toward voter approval based on early returns in Tuesday’s election.
Just over $50,000 was raised in 45 days to promote the passage of ballot measure 2A, which seeks to divert money from the Wheeler Opera House for broader arts support.
Aspen City Council is in the planning stages of presenting an ongoing series of outreach and community gatherings focused on mental health, suicide and drug and alcohol abuse.
The amount and complexity of buildings being constructed in Aspen has the city’s community development department on its toes. This year, there have been 147 permits issued for major projects totaling $470.5 million in valuation and 94 permits under review with $278 million in valuation. When added up, “$750 million in total project valuation for active permits, that number is bonkers for 7,500 … people,” said one official.
Aspen’s arts and culture organizations are asking city voters this fall to lift a $100,000 cap on grants from the real estate transfer tax that funds the Wheeler Opera House.