Todd Snider was still in high school when he had the epiphany that would deliver him from the varsity football lifestyle — and the straight and narrow existence that awaited
Todd Snider walked out alone on the stage of the Ryman Auditorium in late September looking radiant. The guy has great teeth for one thing, along with the ease and confidence earned from more than 30 years on stage. He was bolstered and beloved by the loyalist lifer fans that hang on his every word, spoken or sung. He told the one about his first open mic and the one about East Nashville character Skip Litz who loved Train Songs. Todd’s mother was on hand and it was her birthday, so we all sang for her. Two days later we sat down for a delightful, rambling conversation.
As the road warrior, Todd Snider states during one of his many wonderful stories on his newest release, Live: Return of the Storyteller, this album was