Olive oil for skincare in winter : Olive oil is probably the best natural moisturiser that you can get for fighting dry skin. Abundant in fatty acids, this natural solution for dry skin problems excels at sealing in moisture, ensuring that your skin remains hydrated for long periods of time.
Winter is a time to strengthen our bodies and strengthen our immune systems. The cold season maintenance involves being active, getting enough sleep, and eating nourishing, warm food. - Heart Health to Joint Pain, 6 Common Winter Woes to Stay Away From And How?
चेहरे पर निखार लाने के लिए ब्यूटी पार्लर जाकर इंस्टेंट निखार आ जाता है लेकिन लम्बे समय तक स्किन you must follow these basic skin care rountie - Hindustan