Silver was born in a small mining village in North Lanarkshire, Scotland. She was premature, and spent the first three months of her life in an incubator. Silver’s mother was a midwife, and her father was an engineer. Growing up, she remembers her family being very political – her grandfather and uncles had all been miners, and she remembers village life feeling “over-observed .
“We had a big family, and lots of neighbours, and they all lived the same life. For my spirit, it was a bit over-observed and over-commented on. When I was a teenager, I remember thinking, Oh my God, everyone knows your business, and them telling my uncle I was seen on a bus talking to a boy. It was a very small world, and very, very intimate. You were everybody s child.”
11 February 2021
HS2 and Skills Minister pays tribute to employers and apprentices who have gone above and beyond during the pandemic
Network Rail deploys innovative technology to help apprentices carry out day jobs
Maritime Skills Commission is working to fill skill gaps in the sector, including seafarer cadet review and future workforce in ports research
During National Apprenticeship Week 2021, High Speed 2 (
HS2) and Skills Minister Andrew Stephenson has paid tribute to the apprentices and their employers around the country who have been stepping up to keep the country running throughout the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
From setting up mentor programmes and using innovative technology to keep people safe through to launching Wellbeing Wednesdays, employers from across the transport sector have ensured that apprentices have been able to continue to advance their careers in their valuable placements, despite challenging circumstances.