Judge Phillip Loubser delivered his judgment and dismissed Clive Tshivenga's new application. The suspect, who is a former official from the South African National Defence Force, is among five susp.
On Tuesday, Judge Pitso Molitsoane finally postponed the long-awaited trial to May 2023. This trial, which includes six men who allegedly plotted the hideous crime to murder Citi Med Managing Direc.
The National Prosecuting Authority's (NPA) stance in the prosecution of the six remaining men charged for varying roles in the murder of Siemens, comes as today marks exactly 5 years since Siemens .
A motion for judgment of acquittal rests on the claim that the evidence at trial was insufficient for a conviction. In other words, the defendant argues that no reasonable judge could possibly find.
The Free State High Court Judge, Pitso Molitsoane, on Tuesday postponed the trial to 3 February 2022. The trial was postponed to allow the defence team of eight accused, including murder mastermind.