by Michael Sivak, Sivak Applied Research. This post examines the distances that the average American traveled by passenger road vehicle and by plane in 2021. In both instances, the distances to be compared are person miles. The derivation of person miles traveled by air is straightforward from the available monthly.
by Michael Sivak, Sivak Applied Research This brief post examines the differences between the prices of gasoline in blue and red states. Blue states were defined as those states where in 2020 Joe Biden won all or a majority of electoral votes (26 states); red states are those where Biden.
by Michael Sivak, Sivak Applied Research AAA publishes a daily map that divides the states into five groups, depending on the average price of regular gasoline. On July 5, 2022, two adjacent states had a unique relationship: they belonged to the two extreme AAA price groups, with Illinois in the.
by Michael Sivak, Sivak Applied Research. This post examines the recent changes in the costs of powering gasoline, diesel, and electric vehicles. The expectation was that the cost of electricity had recently increased much less than the costs of gasoline and diesel. The reason is that, in the United States,.
by Michael Sivak, Sivak Applied Research Because of the war in Ukraine, many international flights of various airlines are currently affected by the closed airspaces. Specifically, they are forced to take longer routes that avoid these airspaces, increasing the total fuel consumed. Moreover, some of them also need to reduce.