guaranteed by the default setting i myself often don t have time to switch my settings when i visited new and unfortunately that seems to be the case for most users now i know the internet has big brother capabilities if some guy with a camera following me around all day i would never stand for it but when ever i check my emails in the morning or visit a vet page or look at what s happening on facebook or instagram 103rd party track has a following my every move this is the unpleasant truth behind tracker. cookies can be made visible with specialized software for example with firefox is free plug in might be small triangles represent cookies the circles are web pages. it s look at all this 217 trackers on 12 site trick. that s nearly 20 trackers
triangles represent cookies the circles are web pages. it s look at all this 217 trackers on 12 site trick. that s nearly 20 trackers each fast massive. will be shut off and look at what s interesting is that they re all linked to spawn and when and for. these masses of data that increase with every click are of particular interest to the advertising industry advertisers make their money with personalized data and individually tailored commercials targeted ads based on a detailed analysis of user data make 90 percent of google s revenue and 95 percent of facebook s. the thing that i think people miss about this is that the more data is available the more i can persuade you the way i want you to be persuaded. what