Sita Navami is celebrated as the birth anniversary of Goddess Sita. It is celebrated one month after Ram Navami and is also known as Sita Jayanti or Janki Navami. Sita Navami falls on the ninth day of Vaishakha month during the Shukla Paksha. On this day women fast for the long and healthy life of their husbands. Find out about the date and significance of Sita Navami. , Spirituality News, Times Now
Sita Navami is celebrated as the birth anniversary of Goddess Sita. It is celebrated one month after Ram Navami and is also known as Sita Jayanti or Janki Navami. Sita Navami falls on the ninth day of Vaishakha month during the Shukla Paksha. On this day women fast for the long and healthy life of their husbands. Find out about the date and significance of Sita Navami. , Spirituality News, Times Now