taiwan there is what growing speculation that she will visit taipei as soonest tomorrow. of course that s not sitting well with beijing because it views the independent nations as its territory. chinese foreign minister terry spokesperson is making it abundantly clear there will be serious consequences if that visit goes ahead saying we would like to once again warned the united states that we are fully prepared and solemnly waiting to bear the people s liberation army will never sit by idly and if nancy pelosi insists on visiting taiwan as for what measures exactly, we will take and see if she dares making the visit. you know i think about, this doesn t have to happen in my view. this be the first time in 25 years you d have a house speaker visit, the biggest visit of united states official going back to 1987. it s an porton it happens because a verbal commitment was made and we must show strength. and you think about all of the foreign policy debacles we ve had starting
a specific ethnic group, the han chinese. that s not supposed to be allowed but they are doing it. to chinese leaders the concept of diversity, equity and inclusion, those concepts make no sense at all. when nancy pelosi took off for taiwan the day aboard a u.s. military jet, the chinese government did not issue a statement applauding her remarkable display of spunky girl power. no one in beijing congratulated her for breaking glass ceilings as the very first speaker in history to identify as a woman. no one in china even mentioned that. instead chinese leaders treated china s foreign minister declared nancy pelosi s mere presence greatly undermines peace and stability across the taiwan strait proving that in asia as in-home, things rarely improve when nancy pelosi shows up. the question is why did she go in the first place, that s the real question. the official line in washington is her trip was designed to reaffirm taiwan s status as a u.s. ally. okay. accept the problem
made our armed forces better prepared to fight wars. it has been one calculated antiwhite ideology. changes, drag shows. whatever is telegraphing to the military you re worthless, you re defending a country that doesn t deserve to be defended, your traditions are disgusting, you re terrible that s the message. here is the latest. the va has decided to desecrate military cemeteries with industrial wind turbines, one just went up in a massachusetts cemetery. they are starting more wars while simultaneously making it harder for the united states to fight in prevail in those wars. spokesperson for the chinese foreign ministry said this morning their army while never sit by idly we have an army to.
one calculated humiliation after another for the u.s. armed forces. vax mandates antiwhite ideology , changes, drag shows, whatever is necessary to telegraph to the united states military. you are worthless. you are defending a country that does not deserve to be defended. your traditions are disgusting . you re terrible. that s the message. here s the latest. the va has decided to desecrate military cemetery cemeteries that be america s last remaining national shrine. our military cemeteries desecrated with industrial wind turbines one just one up in massachusetts national cemetery. so texas is back there starting more wars while simultaneously making it harder for the united states to fight and prevail in those wars. spokesperson for the chinese foreign ministry said this morning that their army will , quote, never sit by idly. well, you know what? we have an army, too, and would take strong by idly either.
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