Sindh Chief Minister Murad Ali Shah has suspended Karachi Central Jail superintendent Hassan Sethu after Shahrukh Jatoi, convicted for the murder of Shahzeb Khan, was found illegally staying at a hospital for 11 months. The Home Department, on Friday, directed Sethu to appear before the authorities. Jatoi was taken to the hospital after the superintendent wrote a letter to the director of the Qamar-ul-Islam Hospital on May 5, 2021. The VIP room, where he stayed, on the first floor of the hospital, had a separate sitting area with leader sofas for visitors, a centre table, air conditioner, fridge and a TV on the wall. Moeen, the administrator of the hospital, told SAMAA TV that .
Shahrukh Jatoi, who is serving a life sentence for the murder of Shahzeb Khan, stayed illegally in private hospitals for 11 months. He was sent back to prison on Monday after it was found that he was staying in the hospital without the recommendation of a medical board. Now, a letter sent by the superintendent of prisons on June 8, 2021 to Qamar-ul-Islam Hospital’s director reveals that Jatoi was admitted to the hospital on May 5, 2021. The SSP had written to the hospital director to inquire about Jatoi’s treatment and how long his stay is likely and when he will be discharged. The letter bearing reference no DIGP/K/JB/1307 reveals that before Qamar-ul-Islam Hospital, Jatoi received.
Shahrukh Jatoi, who is serving life sentence for the murder of Shahzaib Khan, was sent back to prison on Monday after months long stay at a private hospital. He was staying at Qamar-ul-Islamam Hospital, located in Punjab Colony area of Karachi, without the recommendation of a medical board, the sources said. The VIP room, which was on the first floor of the hospital, has a separate sitting area with leader sofas for visitors, a centre table, air conditioner, fridge and a TV on the wall. Moeen, the administrator of the hospital, told SAMAA TV that Jatoi stayed at the hospital for seven to eight months. The administrator rejected the allegations that they had given the hospi.