CBI court judge Jagjit Singh has dismissed the bail application of Kalyani Singh, who got arrested in the murder case of Sukhmanpreet Singh Siddhu alias Sippy Sidhu. Kalyani Singh was arrested on June 15 after she was called to join the investigation by the CBI.
Arrested in the Sippy Sidhu murder case, accused Kalyani Singh has stated that the advocate-cum-international shooter was living in the fast lane. In her bail petition filed before a local court, Kalyani also submitted that the victim’s family started targeting her and her family “in all
The CBI court here has directed the probe agency to file a fresh status report in two weeks regarding further investigation in the Sippy Sidhu murder case. The direction by Special Judicial Magistrate, CBI, Sukhdev Singh came after a request was made by the CBI for allowing more time for filing of s
The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) had arrested Kalyani Singh on June 15,2022 and after six days interrogation she was lodged in sector 51 Model Jail under judicial custody on June 21, 2022.
During investigation into the murder of national-level shooter and advocate Sukhmanpreet Singh Sidhu, aka Sippy Sidhu, the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) questioned Sippy’s six girlfriends at length and recorded their statements. However, the bureau ruled out their role in the murder.