A viewing platform on Ballycastle Beach, which was destroyed by vandalism in July 2021 and a footbridge that forms part of the very popular coastal walking route from Runkerry Beach to the Giant’s Causeway will be replaced by Causeway Coast & Glens Council at a cost of £40,000.
DUP Councillor Adrian McQuillan has hit back at Sinn Fein Councillor Cara McShane’s claims that he was being misogynistic during a meeting of Causeway Coast & Glens Leisure & Development Committee.
The budget for the development of the new Causeway International Airshow has increased by £30,000 with a Sinn Fein councillor saying council would be seen as ‘a laughing stock and a joke’, writes Gilllian Anderson, Local Democracy Reporter.
The budget for the development of the new Causeway International Airshow has increased by £30,000 with a Sinn Fein councillor saying council would be seen as ‘a laughing stock and a joke’, writes Gilllian Anderson, Local Democracy Reporter.