Singer Mika Singh has embarked on the journey to find his bride with the upcoming reality show Swayamvar - Mika Di Vohti ."Dusron ki shaadiyon mein bohot Bhangra paa liya, ab apni baari hai (have set the stage on fire for other people s .
Salim Merchant after Sidhu Moose Wala s death revealed that he had worked with Sidhu Moose Wala and they were about to release their collaborative song soon. Meanwhile, singer Mika Singh requested the Punjab Government to take strong action against the criminals behind the heinous crime.
Sidhu Moose Wala death: Mika Singh mourns late singer s demise, says I feel shame. - Sidhu Moose Wala death: Singer Mika Singh has requested the Punjab government to take strict action against the heinous crime.
Get latest articles and stories on Entertainment at LatestLY. Following the untimely demise of singer Sidhu Moose Wala, singer Mika Singh has requested the Punjab Government to take strong-action against the criminals behind the heinous crime. Entertainment News | Mika Singh Mourns Sidhu Moosewala s Demise, Says Please Take Strong Action Against These Criminals .