SINGAPORE, Jan 8 To ensure that lawyers and law students remain up-to-date with their ethical obligations, a report by a working group has recommended that ethics modules.
Singapore News - After serving a one-month prison term for taking upskirt videos of a woman, a man kept a clean record for the next five years as he worked towards getting a law degree and passing the Bar examinations. Mr Chester Lee, 34, was admitted to the Bar on Sept 22, 2023, after. Read more at
Chief Justice Sundaresh Menon concluded that Mr Chester Lee has reformed his character since committing the crime six years ago. Read more at
SINGAPORE, Oct 9 While aspiring lawyers may get more time to learn the ropes as their practice training period will be doubled from six months to a year, lawyers told TODAY.
SINGAPORE While aspiring lawyers may get more time to learn the ropes as their practice training period will be doubled from six months to a year, lawyers told TODAY that there are some concerns about the cost firms may incur.