aspirational movies. you want to be luke squawkskywa. there s a movie where donald glover is going to be a young character. maybe donald trump doesn t like that. doesn t like aspirational. we all want light sabers. this is best thing coming up. after we fight with our light seibers, michael and dean will be back in the next hour and coming up we ll talk about the dangers of fake news and the even greater danger of lazy news. more a.m. joy using the force after the break. fast and portable but also light. you don t do this 14 hours a day, 7 days a week for. .decades if you don t feel it in your heart.
by the things that donald trump doesn t know and that he statehouse? well, yes, that s number one, and the fact that he is disavowing the fact there s confusion amongst the intelligence community whether or not it was russia. this is a president who is going to be a president of the united states, and if he s disavowing his intelligence community that in and the of itself is treason. i mean, the big story is not unpresidented or however he spelled it, the big story is how did he know about the chinese grabbing that drone. how did he know that? did it come from a presidential daily brief, something that was supposed to be classified? we don t know that. is he spewing something that came out of a classified briefing. we don t know that. he has decided to o on the this entire process. he s going to you just got the new thing with sinclair news
through partisan news vanus, then it s not surprising that that foreign propaganda will have a greater effect and it doesn t seem that far-fetched. welcome back to a.m. joy. on thursday facebook announced new tactics to combat the fake news epidemic that plagued the country this year. too often sensational non-facts were masquerading as real actual news and turned into information viruses transmitted through facebook news feed and facebook has a vaccination, fact-checkers. they will make fake news stories as disputed by fact-checkers. there will be an algorithm to demote the fake stories on your news feed and it police politifact, associated press,
times or the guardian that so many people think something that blatantly false happened. of course, it concerns me, joy. i ve devoted my year to trying to ferret out the truth and produce quality information and news to help inform the public so that they can hold the people in mother accountable so it s a source of great concern, but, you know, even more concern i think is generated by the fact, the you know, the trust in the news media, even very high quality news organizations like the ones i ve worked with, i mean, the public trust in them has eroded so much that i think the public has a very hard time deciding what s real news and what s fake news and that s something of deep concern that i think you know journalists have