Sleep experts have warned that snoring is more than just annoying - it could disrupt sleep and lead to health issues like high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and even cancer.
It's not Covid-19 or any of the other communicable illnesses that might be featured in the current news cycle, but it's something that many of us have and use on a regular basis. If you're not careful, this particular thing can cause you some problems.
It's not Covid-19 or any of the other communicable illnesses that might be featured in the current news cycle, but it's something that many of us have and use on a regular basis. If you're not careful, this particular thing can cause you some problems.
For those who might be thinking Oh, great. Another piece about Covid-19, or monkeypox, or whatever the current topical health worry might be, don't worry. This is not about either of those medical difficulties.