it. it s the reason we watch car chases, we want to see the crash. we love that as society, it s breaking news, it s hot. 20-something years later the o.j. simpson story still fascinates us, both from his slow speed chase, as well as a huge miscarriage of justice. donna, you know, you re absolutely right about that, but donna, we see the trials with these beautiful young women, i mean, o.j. simpson, obviously, was not a beautiful young woman. haven t we had enough of this, though? even with o.j., that was in 1995, and then it televised for 134 days, but i will confess, if they do do the movie and he plays himself, i will definitely tune in, because he is a hell of an actor. you said it. we haven t seen enough. do you agree with donna, enough is enough, or do you understand the fascination? no. look at the numbers. hln s doing a brilliant thing, a