3 3 3 3 secretarr of state Hillary Cllnton is on capitol hill to testify about the attaak at phe us consulate in libba on september 11th. 11th. She just arrived t the Senate Foreign relaaions pommitee. Tom rodders is here with that and this mmrnings other top sttries. Good morning. Tom. Her testimony comes after several weeks of siikkees including a stomach virus and a blood lot that delayed her ability to appearrbefore pcongress. The hearing is underway. Lets listen in. Inn clinton will no p linton will no pdoubt bb asked about security in place. Kind of security was maryland t shirt makers said they cooud make an extra 100thousand dollars or moreewith a ravens super bowl appeerance. But what happens if they run out of purple shirts . It allost happpned. Joel d. Smith iss at marylann screen printers to find out that storyy and who ttey are targeting now for their newest. Shirts. Good morning joel d. No purple shirtswomens options. 930 niiht of the game. Crazy, around the clock. Wee ol