“What topics would you like to hear and see more about?” asked Chris Norton, Senior Vice President of WVIA, at the preview last Sunday of the second season of…
“We had an amazing weekend for the opening of two movies that so many are lining up to see! It is just the right time of year to see ‘Addams Family 2’ and…
I guarantee that you will be swept away by Jennifer Hudson’s interpretation of Aretha Franklin’s artistry in the movie “Respect.” The portrayal of Aretha’s…
Rosalie Allanwill be teaching QiGong in Tunkhannock’s Riverside Park for the Dietrich Theater this summer. Listen to this
When you have a wonderful neighbor, as we do, you are glad to join them in acknowledging and helping them experience a special event.
We at the Dietrich Theater had that opportunity on May 13 when the head chef of Samarios Pizza and Restaurant was featured on the Food Network’s show called Chef Bootcamp. Yes, we could help our good neighbor celebrate by giving their staff and family a chance to see the show on the big screen at the Dietrich. Congratulations to the head chef in Scranton, Sammy Parlopiano Jr.!