KUALA LUMPUR: A total of 31 police premises in Kelantan and Terengganu, including seven police stations, have been affected by the floods that hit the east coast.
Damage to a distribution main, which runs through the Kg Simpangan River, was partly to blame for the irregular supply in Kota Marudu over the past week
Sabah hit an all-time high of 3,333 Covid-19 cases on Wednesday, with three more cluster-hit schools identified, bringing the tally of Sabah’s education clusters to 22 in less than a month.
Sabah’s Covid-19 spokesperson Datuk Seri Masidi Manjun said the clusters were the Access Menawo Cluster in Keningau, Simpangan Paitan Cluster in Beluran and Bukit Garam Cluster in Kinabatangan, which saw some 84 infections cumulatively.
He said the Access Menawo Cluster was identified at the Sabah Institute of Islamic Education and Dakwah (Ipdas) Keningau, stemming from a 21-year-old female hostel student.
“She started having symptoms on Feb 6 and tested positive on the same day. Contact screenings found another 11 positive, bringing the tally in this cluster to 12. All cases are in category one and two,” said Masidi in a statement, Wednesday.
The Simpangan Paitan Cluster was identified at SMK Simpangan, Paitan, also stemming from a female hostel s