Join the Keller Center in welcoming Dr. Leon C. Prieto from Clayton State University. His lecture is part of our initiative to examine the history and legacy of Black entrepreneurship in the United States.
This presentation will make the argument that integrating Africana history & philosophy into the business school curricula is a significant step toward embracing and enhancing the entrepreneurial knowledge, self-efficacy, and motivation of Black students. There is a growing body of scholarship, research, case studies, and business history to inform a more inclusive curriculum and this presentation will make the case that to truly decolonize the curriculum requires an engagement with 1) Precolonial African Entrepreneurship, 2) Slavery, Capitalism, and Modern Management, 3) the Golden Age of Entrepreneurship, and 4) Alternative Models of Enterprise.
Dr. Prieto will discuss his own 2019 coauthored work (with Dr. Simone T. A. Phipps) entitled: African American Management History: In
Join the Keller Center in welcoming Dr. Simone T. A. Phipps from Middle Georgia State University. Her lecture is part of our initiative to examine the history and legacy of Black entrepreneurship in the United States.
Historically, Black women have experienced discrimination and marginalization in the workplace and society, and Entrepreneurship has played a role in facilitating their advancement. This presentation will discuss the importance of Black feminism and intersectionality, explore their roles in Entrepreneurship History, and make the argument that although coined later in terms of terminology, their essence has been historically recognized. The contributions of two Black women in Entrepreneurship History will also be acknowledged as they made significant strides to positively impact the economic and social development of Black women in particular, and the Black community in general.
Speaker Bio
Simone T. A. Phipps, PhD, is an Associate Professor of Management in the School of