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At Monday night’s Huntsville council meeting, whether the ice stays or goes was debated, with a final decision to leave it in for a few more weeks and wait to see if the province-wide shutdown is extended.
Councillor Jason Fitzgerald was in favour of keeping the ice in as long as can be used.
Huntsville Mayor, Karin Terziano, followed up and said “If we take it out, it’s not going back in until September.”
Councillor Brian Thompson said, “Let’s wait another month and see where we are at.”
Councillor Tim Whitey, wants to take the ice out and bring it back earlier in the summertime if they’re able to. Normally the ice doesn’t go back in until August but, if they’re able to bring it back earlier than that, he thinks they should. He also added that he didn’t want to leave it in and build false hope. He closed out his statement by saying “My vote is to take the ice out”.