Commissioner marshall is excused. Mazzucco, present. We do not have a quorum at this time. Also with us is police president. My name is suzy loftus, we do these meetings every month, we go out and have our third wednesday of the month at a district station so we can have a klapbs to hear directly from folks who might not come to city hall or working closer in the neighborhood by hearing whats going on. We are going to start off by introducing ourselves. We also have day jobs and live in the city like you all. I will start with commissioner mazzucco z. My name is tom mazzucco, this is my favorite part of being on the commission and going to different districts. Im a native of San Francisco, my day job is im a partner here in San Francisco but before that, like commissioner loftus, i served for 10 years as an assistant District Attorney here in San Francisco and then 9 years as an assistant assistant u. S. Attorney, so 19 years in Law Enforcement on the attorney side. On my day job i am
Id like to thank Jessie Larson and leo from sfgovtv for broadcasting this meeting madam clerk, any announcements . Electronic devices. Completed speaker cards and documents to be included should be submitted to the clerk. Items acted upon today will appear on the march 29, 2016 board of supervisors agenda unless otherwise stated. Thank you very much is there a representative from supervisor yees office here . No, not yet okay well, lets commissioner low is supported this item we have shannon from the Planning Department that is here to present on his behalf welcome shannon good afternoon, everyone. Im Stockton Ferguson Planning Department staff for the landmark designation on san marcus the forest neighborhood can i have the overhead the Historic Preservation commission added this to the cal house preservation on june 2011 the hpc designation for july 2017 open cement 16, 2015 did hpgsz conducted on exterior and barrier of the property on october 7, 2015, voted for the landmark designa
Receive gibson day in the city and county of San Francisco okay one second a resolution thank you steve disable donaldson in the castro will have his last day in castro and a founding magnet that helped San Francisco to transformer our approach to hiv care and other health needs of gay and bisexual and transz men i ask for your support in declaring steve gibson day in San Francisco. So is there another motion to move this item is purely commendatory okay moved by supervisor farrell and seconded by supervisor wiener laughter colleagues can we take that without objection . Without objection the motion passes unanimously and the second motion is that we need to take action came to the attendance after the agenda was posted supervisor wiener moved the item secondedcy supervisor farrell can we take that without objection . Without objection that passes unanimously and now i want to open up for Public Comment for the imperative item anyone wish to comment on item on the specifics of the impe
Observed a silver sedan parked on the street and recognized the vehicle matched the make and model of a vehicle stolen the previous evening quote unquote hijacked by a gunman by a man held at gun point the victim handed over the keys it was thought to be the work of the shotgun abandon indicts officers performed a uturn to investigate the car as he did so a suspect failed to stop officer actually son activated his vehicles with the sirens and the suspected supreme courts continued to flee he broadcasted meaning an officer has an emergency and calmly relied they were attempting to stop a hijacked vehicle the subject with no regard for others failed to stop at the stop signs officer actually son was undeferred and pursued the vehicle while the officers updated his location the subjects turned into george court the driver with likely band the vehicle but the driver had another plan he disruptly stopped his vehicle forcing the officers in a collision he rammed the right door the patrol car
Commission skrertd commissioner monroe the number of years of experience steadies 1,000. 02 or three times theres a lot of experience in the room and a lot of personalities and the men and women in that room to say its a group is an understatement there are huge argument and people that havent spoken together but it comes down to the voting we do it sounds like old but were very Traditional Police department and second older in the country its done with a wooden box from the before the turn the singularity full of marbles i know sometimes when the officers see it they think weve lost our marbles we take it seriously and as you vote the 40 some odd Police Officers you have to get 2 3rds of voting officers to get the metal and the marbles are added so thats absolutely no way to rig this game process is protracted on purpose and the metals are earned without further ado lets get to the reading of some pretty incredible stories of pretty incredible men and women thank you clapping . Thank