By James Noik, RCIA facilitator
The RCIA 2019/2020 (English) course concluded with Masses held on 19 and 20 December 2020 respectively, celebrated by the Rector of Blessed Sacrament Church, Fr Patrick Heng.
A total of 37 catechumens had successfully completed the course after a prolonged delay due to the pandemic.
The weekend Masses saw 27 catechumens going through the Rite of Initiation. Two (2) baptised Christian converts were received into the Catholic Church, while eight (8) received only the sacrament of Confirmation.
Archbishop Simon Poh had granted Fr Patrick Heng the faculty to administer the Sacrament of Confirmation.
The catechumens varied in ages from 18 years to 67 years old and were of different social backgrounds – different ethnic groups, university students, retirees, housewives and professionals.
By Fr Francis Lim, SJ
On Dec 22, teachers from both SK St Joseph and St Joseph’s Private Primary School were on hand to witness the official handing back of the school building along Jalan Were, Kuching, by the outgoing Headmaster of SK St Joseph, Richard Kawi to the Archbishop of Kuching, His Grace Simon Poh.
An official letter addressed to the Director of Sarawak Education Department with the historic date of December 22, 2020 to designate the handing back of the school building, was presented by Archbishop Simon Poh to Richard Kawi. In his letter to the Director, the Archbishop expressed his gratitude to the Sarawak Education Department and the Ministry of Education Malaysia, for having provided quality education through SK St Joseph since 1963. Archbishop Simon Poh also thanked Richard Kawi, teachers and staff who have served in the school.
By Ivy Chai
St Joseph’s Cathedral organised its first open–air morning Mass at the Cathedral’s carpark on 19 December. The 7.00 am Mass was limited to 20 pre-registered cars and passengers had to comply strictly with the state government’s SOP for houses of worship.
The trial–run was a prelude to more special Masses that will enable Catholics who are considered “high risk” because of the COVID-19 pandemic, to come to Church and to receive Holy Communion.
Archbishop Simon Poh celebrated the first “Carpark Mass” from the first floor window of the Parish office overlooking the carpark. He was assisted by Fr Galvin Ngumbang.
By Ivy Chai
The Unit for Other Religions (UNIFOR) has released the SOP for Christmas Church services that is seen to be on the same page as the National Security Council (MKN), and the State Disaster Management Committee (SDMC).
Churches can celebrate Christmas Eve (Vigil) Mass between 6.00 pm – 10.00 pm on 24 December, and Christmas Day Mass from 7.00 am – 1.00 pm on 25 December.
In view of the new SOP for Christmas for Catholics, Archbishop Simon Poh from the Archdiocese of Kuching, announced the cancellation of all Masses scheduled to be celebrated after 1.00 pm on Christmas Day. Christmas Eve Masses have been rescheduled to finish before 10 pm.
By Ivy Chai
Kuching Archbishop Simon Poh has launched an “Advent Appeal” aimed at alleviating poverty and suffering and to bring some Christmas hope and joy to communities in need.
“The COVID-19 pandemic has badly affected our economy, creating a category of ‘the new poor’. The greatest impact has been on the poor, migrants, widows, elderly, women and children, especially in rural communities,” he said.
He added that many breadwinners in urban areas have lost their jobs and are unable to support their families. The sluggish economy has put a strain on many families, and some have depleted their emergency funds and life savings.