The Bulgarian government does not plan to back down from this country s position on the Republic of North Macedonia and would not lift the veto on Skopje s EU membership talks if Bulgaria’s requirements were not met. This was what.
Reporters sans frontières assure la promotion et la défense de la liberté d'informer et d'être informé partout dans le monde. L'organisation, basée à Paris, compte des bureaux à l'international (Berlin, Bruxelles, Genève, Madrid, Stockholm, Tripoli, Tunis, Vienne et Washington DC) et plus de 150 correspondants répartis sur les cinq continents.
High-profile SAPARD fraud case closed due to expiry of statute of limitations published on 3/1/21 6:18 PM
Mario Nikolov
Photo: BGNES
After 13 years at various instances the case against businessman Mario Nikolov for siphoning off millions in EU funding under the SAPARD programme has been closed due to expiry of the statute of limitations.
The case was closed by the Appellate Specialized Criminal Court. The investigation was among the first in Bulgaria connected with embezzlement of European funding in which Mario Nikolov and several other defendants were charged. According to the prosecutor’s office they received European subsidies on the basis of forged documents, passing off old meat processing machines for new.
Politics Fear for survival will seriously affect voting at upcoming parliamentary elections: Haralan Alexandrov
Social anthropologist Haralan Alexandrov and political analyst Evgenii Dainov about the upcoming parliamentary elections published on 2/16/21 12:07 PM
The only cure for corporate voting is a maximum mobilization of voters: Evgenii Dainov
The election campaign for the parliamentary elections scheduled for 4 April has not started in Bulgaria yet, but experts and political observers have been making various forecasts, albeit tentatively.
At this time the predictions mostly concern the upcoming election campaign rather than the ideas or policies the various political formations are going to uphold. And the reason is simple – we do not know who will be on the electoral lists, nor do we know what the programmes of the candidates for the 45