Six top jobs in Government have been advertised with two currently vacant after the incumbent position holders resigned before the end of their three-year contracts. The six C.E.O. positions advertised are at the Ministry of Women, Community and Social Development, Samoa Airport Authority (SAA, S.
The Samoa Airport Authority General Manager, Silimanai Ueta Solomona is resigning from his position to take up the top job at the regional body, the Pacific Aviation Safety Office.The Minister for Works, Transport and Infrastructure, Olo Fiti Vaai confirmed the decision by Silimanai to exit the S.
An overseas auditor is in Samoa and is working alongside the Ministry of Works Transport and Infrastructure (M.W.T.I.) to examine the security and overall upgrade works at the Faleolo International Airport, Samoa Observer can reveal.The audit team arrived two weeks ago and started their audit exa.
The Faleolo International Airport will be given a major upgrade as Samoa prepares to play host to the next Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in October next year. A recent edition of the Government-owned Savali newspaper reported that a new VIP Lounge will be built to replace the current f.
A lot has been written and said about the Fagalii Airport since the current Administration announced its plans this year to reopen the aerodrome.While the economic benefits of reopening the airport are clear – with the Minister of Works, Transport, and Infrastructure, Olo Fiti Va'ai highlighting .