raising federal interest rates now, in doing so, the bank too a massive loss about two billion dollars an decided to raise money t offset that loss by selling it own shares to strengthen its balance sheet. it s an unusual move it alarmed some investors, who perceive that as a problem wit the bank so, caused many of the customers to withdraw thei money, as they saw the banks stock prices plummeting. what you have by thursday an friday was an old-fashioned ru on the bank. as vp felt it had no choice bu the cell itself to a large bank that could take over it operations made that decision once they service say. by friday, nobody gets now, the federal deposit and insurance corporation, the fbi s, he has stepped in, in from the separate entity to no keep all the insured svb the process, which would b available to depositors by monday svb s collapse is leavin companies and customer essentially unsure of what wil happen to their money, because the fbi seized standar insurance covers $250,000 h